
jill's pictures
londrina & presidente prudente
campo grande & santo andre
sao paulo, sao bernardo, bosque
our last concert
i.e.h.b. holiness
brazil to LAX
thoughts on brazil
our prayer letter
memories of brazil 2001
our prayer letter

MINORU HIROTSU- age 10: In the Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus told us to make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and to teach them to obey everything Jesus taught them. This is why I want to go to Brazil.
Requests: For safety, for someone to help me make new Christians, and pray that I will obey rules and sing from my heart.

YOSHI HIROTSU- age 15: This is my first mission trip and I want to be able to worship God through song and praise. I hope to build a stronger faith with God and to experience the Brazilian culture.
Requests: Safety, health, good experience with God, and strengthen my walk with Him by creating a strong bond between God and me.

SEIGO HA- age 11: I hope people will become Christians through our singing, praising God and by talking to them.
Requests: For people to become Christians, make new friends, and to pray more.

SAORI HA- age 18: After going to Japan in 1998, I learned a lot about my personal relationship with God. I returned with a stronger relationship with Him. I hope to experience that again. I would also like to see how people in a different culture praise and worship God. I hope to increase my knowledge of how God works in people's lives.
Requests: To be a good role model for my small group, for patience as we face the many changes, and unity within the choir.

SUNG HA- age 20: I hope to share the good news of Jesus Christ and that our singing will touch those who may not know God or who may be struggling with Him.
Requests: Confidence in talking with new people, safety, no conflicts among choir members.

JAIME MIZOGUCHI- age 22: It is an awesome opportunity to worship and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Brazil. This new experience will certainly bless us. It would be neat to make new relationships, especially non-Christians. We can help plug them into churches and hopefully they will become curious about God. I also would like to help choir members realize the potential of serving God and to be able to worship together.
Requests: unity among all age groups, both churches, and group/choir leaders; flexibility because I love to have a plan to follow and also to joyfully serve at the last minute; focus on serving God and His people in Brazil; overcome and be at ease with the language barrier.

SATOSHI NAGO- age 21: I want to share my joy with God to others and experience their culture & worship.
Requests:: For the choir to sing joyfully, to smile because of our love for God, and to sing with a heart of worship rather than to just sing and smile; for sensitivity to the Brazilians since it's a new mission field for us; for patience with the younger ones and with the decisions of the choir.

JONATHAN NITAO-age 16: I hope our choir will spread the word of God and will be able to show God's love to the people in Brazil.
Requests: safety, good health, a wonderful experience for the choir to grow in their relationship with God.

AI-CHAN NOGIMURA-age 16: I want to strengthen my faith and have a good relationship with Jesus. I hope to make good friends and teach non-Christians about God and His love for us.
Requests: That we won't get mad at each other and willing to sacrifice our time for one another; for no accidents and nothing stolen; pray that the leaders will be patient with us.

MARI TAJII-age 17: I have been a Christian for a long time, but I am still not the best at evangelizing. With the choir, it is easier and like a team. I'm not really hoping to accomplish anything because I know that if I do, I will feel let down if it doesn't happen.
Requests: To not complain about what I don't have but to give thanks for what I do, even if it is little; for patience in "going with the flow;" to be humble.

KELLY ZORIKI-age 16: With the choir, I want to touch people's hearts and show them that God is working through young adults and kids. It is also an opportunity to do what God wants us to do as Christians.
Requests: To be patient and try not to complain about the obstacles (weather, long trip); grow as a Christian and strengthen my walk with God; safety and to keep in mind the reason we are in Brazil.

SCOTT ZORIKI-age 14: I want to make new friends, learn the language, to be strong, and to be able to teach people about God and show His love for them.
Requests: No one gets sick or injured; that we will be able to spread the Gospel to non-Christians and that they'll be able to do it themselves; I will learn from them as well as teach them about God and that I will become stronger in my walk with Him.

AJA GEORGE- age 14: I want to travel to Brazil to "make disciples," make new friends, and to have a different experience than Japan.
Requests: The choir will pay attention and listen to their leaders, we will sing from our hearts, and for God's protection as we travel.

ZENJA GEORGE- age 9: I want to help the people in Brazil become Christians so they can all to go heaven, and I also want to learn more about Brazil.
Requests: For everyone to be safe; to make all of them go to heaven.

NAZUKI ITO- age 19: I have been learning the importance of being a witness for the Lord. I am excited to travel with the choir to Brazil and to see Him work. It is an honor to serve the Lord. I pray He will use the choir to do His amazing will. I know God will teach me so much through this trip.
Requests: That each choir member will have a heart of worship; to keep focus on why we are in Brazil; to spread the Good News; that the hearts of the people in Brazil will be prepared.

JILL IWASAKI- age 14: During the mission trip to Brazil, I want to be a vessel by spreading the Word and the reality of His amazing love. I hope that by serving my Lord, I can strengthen my own desire, knowledge, and relationship with God.
Requests: That the Lord will give each choir member patience and safety in Brazil; that we can be good Christian examples; that everyone will grow during the trip.

TIMOTHY MAKI- age 13: I want to go with the choir to Brazil because through our singing and the Gospel message, we can touch the hearts of all who listen and possibly lead them to Christ. What I hope to accomplish in Brazil is simply to preach the Gospel.
Requests: To be ready at all times to tell someone about God and his plan of salvation; to stay willing by sacrificing certain comforts; being willing to sing and share, and to stay focused on only God, his Word, and singing from our hearts.

KEIGA MATSUMOTO- age 13: I want to travel with the choir to Brazil because I know that this is what God would want me to do. I hope that I will be able to be a good witness and help people realize how awesome God is. I also hope to make new friends and interact with them.
Requests: That God will protect us, that we will be able to interact with the people in Brazil even though we don't speak Portuguese, and for maturity and patient with my brother during the trip.

SHUICHI MATSUMOTO- age 10: I want to tell others how much God loves them and show them that God told me to love one another. I also want to make people understand how wonderful God is.
Requests: For safety, to make sure no one will get lost, and that I can pay more attention.

DANA NAKASUJI- age 19: God has opened up a wonderful opportunity to go on this missions trip and I truly believe that not only will we be able to reach out to others, but He will reach out to our choir, blessing us with so much. I hope that we will be able to touch lives and plant seeds for new Christians.
Requests: To be focused spiritually, remembering the reason we are going. That we will be able to make new friends and not be segregated, that our choir will be obedient to God's calling and also to our leaders.

DARREN NAKASUJI- age 23: I am going to Brazil to minister to the choir members, especially to my brothers in Christ. I want to be a blessing to them, and hopefully, this will spill over, bless the Brazilian people, and ultimately, bless the heart of our Father.
Requests: That I won't be prideful but to give God the glory, patience with my group by loving them in ways I have never before, and to have the Lord give me His heart for Brazil.

GARRETT NAKASUJI- age 21: I believe that this ministry is not only designed as an outreach, but as an inreach program as well. Before we go out and tell people to know, grow, serve, and share Jesus Christ, we must first do these things ourselves. That is why it is important for each member of the choir to focus on developing our relationship with Christ.
Requests: To remind myself that there is nothing that we can do to bring people to Christ, for it is God's power that it at work within us that breaks hearts and brings people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Pray that God will use me effectively and that I will approach this missions trip with faith, hope, and love.

PAIGE NAKASUJI- age 16: I want to go on missions to Brazil because God is calling me to do so, and this is my opportunity. I'm hoping God will use me as a witness, and that I would take the opportunities He gives me to share.
Requests: That I will not be afraid to share the gospel, to not stay in comfort zones. To remind myself that it isn't just a performance, but worship to honor, praise, and glorify our Lord. To be aware of God's presence because He is with us always. When we get scared, nervous, anxious, or irritable, that we will turn to Him.

CRISTINA SALAMANCA- age 12: I want to travel to Brazil to spread the Word of God and since I saw the movie Left Behind, I don't want people to get left behind.
Requests: I want God to help my words make a difference in other people's hearts. I want for God to help me sing, listen, and speak from my heart.

EMILY WONG- age 18: I want to travel with the choir to Brazil because it is a great opportunity to share God's love with others. I feel it'll be a time to not only bless others, but to also be blessed and grow as a Christian. I hope to serve God with a right heart and focus, touching the lives of choir members as well as the Brazilians.
Requests: For patience, to treat others the way I want to be treated; to stay focused and remember that I'm there because I love God and want to serve Him; for unity among the choir- serve God and the people in Brazil as one body in Christ.

JEREMY WONG- age 21: In previous Japan missions trips, I have not been able to see the fruit of our service in the lives of the people in Japan. However, I have seen the great harvest and blessings bestowed by God in the hearts of our choir members and church community. It is my hope that God will bless the people of Brazil as He has blessed our choir.
Requests: That God will be my Lord as I serve Him and Him only; I must decrease so He may increase.  Pray for the relationships between the choir members. May we serve as a true body, one that encourages and strengthens each other. Pray also for the leaders, Mary, Kenny, Bonnie, & Paul, to find times of refreshment and peace amongst the stress and chaos of this trip.

TIM WONG- age 14: I want to travel with the choir to share God's love with others. I hope that through the choir, the people will more fully understand our love for God. I hope to develop many close relationships with the fellow Brazilians and that they will accept Jesus into their lives.
Requests: That many lives will be touched from this trip, that God will keep us safe, and that we will be good examples wherever we go.

FIFI YOUNG- age 13: I want to introduce some people to Christianity. Even if the people we meet don't accept God, it'll take time and at least we know we shared with them. I hope to share God's love to some of the less fortunate.
Requests: That I will be a good choir member, that I won't fight with my sister, and to help the choir to be a good influence to the people in Brazil,

NICOLE YOUNG- age 11: I want to touch the hearts of people wherever we go and sing.
Requests: For protection of the choir in Brazil, as well as my family. That everything will go smoothly in Brazil.

BONNIE NAKASUJI- I hope that God will use the choir to bring a message of God's love to our South American brothers and sisters and create a bridge of unity across continents through His promise of salvation.
Requests: That I can be sensitive, discerning, and a disciplined leader; that God's presence will touch, grow, and become more real in the heart of each choir member; that the music, testimonies, and skits will effectively carry His message and that the choir will be worthy examples.

PAUL NAKASUJI- I want to have an opportunity meet Brazilians (Christians & non-Christians), to provide encouragement and support for the choir entourage, and to be a witness of God's love and faithfulness.
Requests: That I can maintain my focus on the purpose of the mission amid the uncertainties of travel in an unfamiliar environment; also maintain my health and energy level; pray for the travel and support logistics.

VALERIE OISHI- I want to travel to Brazil with the choir because I feel that I can be a servant, not just to Christ whom I serve first, but to Mary and Bonnie as a third hand. My hope is to also minister, in the best way I can, to the people I meet there. I hope to somehow establish at least one friendship that will go beyond the 3 weeks we are there.
Requests: To be able to spend time with God in order to prepare my heart and mind; learn to hear God's voice as He leads me during this trip; to keep a joyful attitude and to have patience.

KEN TABUCHI- Just as our first trip to Japan, I'm somewhat unsure as to what I can to do to insure a successful mission in a totally unfamiliar culture. I hope that I will have a better grasp of the people and an understanding of the conditions in the 3 weeks we are there.
Requests: For safety, new friends in God, and an abundance of portable water.

LISA TABUCHI- I want to travel with the choir to Brazil to support and help in any way needed and to be used by God to share the love and joy given to us to the people we meet in Brazil.
Requests: Pray for the group to keep their focus on God and to remember the purpose for our trip; pray that the non-Christians will have open hearts; pray for God to use the group as a whole and individually to share His love through song, testimony, or actions.

MARY TABUCHI- I want to travel to Brazil to (1) plant a seed in the "unsaved and unchurched" people through our songs and testimonies. (2) demonstrate how children can develop their God-given gifts to minister. (3) strengthen our relations with our sister Conference and churches. (4) provide a mission experience, hoping that the youth will also serve as adults.
Requests: To be prepared for the opportunities scheduled and take advantage of those unscheduled; to receive traveling mercies and good health; the youth will be "ambassadors for Christ" through their music, testimonies, and friendships.